the squeeze reader

Packet of Three Squeeze Picture of the Week:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Glenn's Down Under!

Like Men At Work once sang (well, sort of) ...

Glenn's in a land down under!

As you know, the Australian leg of Glenn's tour kicks off on March 30th!

He talks to The Age about reconnecting with people, being a one man spontaneous pop jukebox and gives the brilliant Squeezed tribute band a namecheck :0)

You can read all about it by clicking the wonderfully crafted link here.

One line jumps out at you:

"But fans know that Cool For Cats, their cockney novelty hit of '79..."

Have we ever seen Glenn & Chris in the same room *and* at the same time as Chas N'Dave?!!!

I think questions need to be asked! ;0)

"... is but one jewel in a cornucopia of brilliantly crafted English songs often mentioned in the same breath as the Beatles, the Kinks and Elvis Costello and the Attractions."

A nice save for those folks at The Age!

Here's some links for those hungry for Tilbrook Tidbits:
Glenn's Official Site
Glenn's MySpace
One For The Road (One man, Two guitars and an RV!)
Babylonandon- The Unofficial Glenn Tilbrook Site

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