the squeeze reader

Packet of Three Squeeze Picture of the Week:

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

tilbrook: f**k you, FCC!

Glenn shows how colorful he can be on the XM Satellite Radio network. From this post (that I'm reposting without permission) from the Glennlist, it sounds like a great show for those of us who can't make it to the East Coast for a Fluffers show.

: Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 09:53:13 -0400
From: Muzik Dude (e-mail address deleted)
Subject: Re: Glenn on The Loft (radio)

I managed to hear the whole broadcast yesterday on the Loft on XM. Glenn was
very jovial, and he had a lot of fun with the "unfettered" and "free" format
of satellite radio by dropping the f-bomb repeatedly throughout the
broadcast, usually when he implored the listening audience to yell out of
their windows "I f***ing love Glenn Tilbrook and the Fluffers!".

Here's the set list, pretty typical of the recent tour:
By The Light Of The Cash Machine
Pulling Mussels (From The Shell)
Hot Shaved Asian Teens
This Is Where You Ain't
Is That Love?
Domestic Distortion
Ray And Me
Voodoo Child (Glenn Solo)
Parallel World
Take Me I'm Yours

It was nice to hear the band play in a well-mixed environment (meaning
Simon's drums weren't as overpowering as when they're in a live club).

You can still catch the show on XM Channel 50 at these remaining times:
*Thursday (05/26) @ 3:00 PM ET
*Thursday (05/26) @ 9:00 PM ET
*Saturday (05/28) @ 6:00 PM ET

Does anyone know when and where this show was recorded?